The library will be CLOSED Sunday, April 20, 2025, in observance of Easter Sunday.
No, Westlake Porter Public Library is an independent library, not part of the county system.
No, library cards are issued while you wait (with current photo ID). You do not need to be a Westlake resident to be issued a card. Anyone who lives, works, owns property, or goes to school in Ohio can get one. You just need verifiable current identification. You can even fill out the application online.
Patrons are asked to notify the library immediately when a card is lost or stolen (to protect the patron).
Our regular hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, Friday and Saturday we are open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and Sundays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. We are closed for some major holidays throughout the year.
No, all you need to do is fill out the form.
A single card can have up to 75 items on it.
Three (3) weeks for most materials, except some new and high-interest items that go out for 7 days, such as new adult fiction DVDs and Blu-Ray discs, Express copies of best-selling magazines and books, and video games.
Yes, materials can be renewed six (6) times (except Express items) for their normal loan period and may be renewed in person, over the phone or online through our Web catalog, however, if an item is on hold it cannot be renewed.
Patrons are asked to notify the library if materials are misplaced— the library will renew material if possible.
Most anything can be returned in the book drop unless there is a label indicating otherwise. Even overdue materials may be returned there, and fines may be paid later.
WPPL is fine free. Library card accounts will still be suspended if:
Borrowers will be billed for replacement of damaged or lost materials.
Yes, materials may be returned to any public library in Ohio. A cooperative service delivers these materials back to their home libraries. There is no charge for this service. Items borrowed through SearchOhio or OhioLINK must be returned to WPPL.
To access the Makerspace you will need a library card, and will also need to present a Photo ID and complete a Makerspace user agreement before using the space for the first time.
Yes, a library card is required to use the Makerspace. Digital Library cards are also acceptable for the Makerspace. Access to the Makerspace is not restricted due to lost or overdue library materials.
There is no cost to use equipment in the Makerspace, though there may be costs associated with materials used within the space. If you bring your own compatible materials to use in the space, there is no charge to use the space.
You may bring in your own materials to use on Makerspace equipment, except the sublimation printer, provided that they are compatible with our equipment. Please check with a Makerspace staff member to verify materials are compatible.
Due to the setup of the sublimation printer, users may not use their own sublimation ink or paper.
Regular printouts using patron-supplied paper are still charged the per-page fee due to the cost of printer maintenance and toner.
The Library reserves the right to deny the use of any materials on any equipment in the Makerspace for any reason.
Makerspace users 18+ yrs. must sign a Makerspace User Agreement prior to use of the space.
Makerspace users 13-17 yrs. must have a parent or legal guardian sign a Makerspace User Agreement prior to use of the space, but may use the space independently after the agreement is on-file.
Makerspace users 12 yrs. and under must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Exceptions may be made for group visits, such as class visits, troop visits, etc.
As of 3/1/23, you will need a reservation in order to use the Makerspace.
Max reservation length for equipment is:
Additional time may be used if the equipment is not reserved after your time slot.
Reservations can be made by telephone at 440-871-2600 ext. 2 or via the Makerspace Reservation Form.
The Makerspace is a self-directed space, with patrons operating the equipment and software themselves. Staff may be available for brief questions or to point you to resources to learn how to use various software and equipment.
If you are a first-time user of a piece of equipment, you can schedule a 1-on-1 appointment with a staff member to go over operational of a particular piece of equipment. Contact the Makerspace to setup 1-on-1 appointments.
Staff are unable to design or produce items for users, with the exception of the staff-operated 3D printer service.
Everyone, no matter your age or ability!
During the library’s normal business hours.
In the lobby of the library, near the Welcome desk.
The art is free, but please limit yourself to one piece of art per day.
You are welcome to leave art for others to take, but it is not necessary.
Please limit yourself to taking one piece of art per day, regardless of how much art you donate.
We prefer art that is smaller than 4” x 6” x 4”, but larger pieces may be included as space allows.
Yes, you can place your own art in the gallery if there is space and you don’t obstruct another piece.
You may leave your art pieces at the Welcome desk.
Donate small paintings, drawings, collage, jewelry, pottery, wood, sculptures, origami, small crochet or knitted pieces, photography, painted rocks, greeting cards, zines, magnets, etc.
We ask that you don’t bring in anything that may attract critters, be messy or smelly, or goes on the skin.
Sometimes we rotate art that has been in the gallery for a while to give other pieces a chance to be viewed, or to display art that fits a theme.
Yes, we’d love to pass on new or gently used art supplies and small kits. Examples would be art and origami paper; Crayola-type products; jewelry supplies; embroidery floss; wood, ceramic, and papier-mâché shapes that can be decorated; small canvases; small smooth rocks to be painted; and clear plastic zipper bags. Please leave them at the Welcome desk.
Bulky items like yarn and fabric are not needed at this time.
This is a free exchange of art—no money is involved.
You may attach your social media handles or other contact information to your art. We may share your art and tag you on library social media as well!
The library does not give tax advice but will provide a blank contribution receipt upon request.
We use the hashtag #FLAGatWPPL when posting to our social media accounts about the FLAG.
No, the library cannot hold or mail any art or supplies.
You can send art or supplies following the policies and guidelines to:
Westlake Porter Public Library
Attn: FLAG
27333 Center Ridge Road
Westlake, OH 44145
27333 Center Ridge Road
Westlake, OH 44145-3947
Monday – Thursday: 9 am - 9 pm
Friday & Saturday: 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday: 1 pm - 5 pm