The library will be CLOSED Sunday, April 20, 2025, in observance of Easter Sunday.
We commit to providing an inclusive environment that fosters learning, community growth, and connection in an ever-changing world.
Prompt return of library materials makes books, magazines, recordings, and other materials available sooner for others who may wish to borrow or use them.
You can choose to receive notifications from the library by:
* Depending on your cell phone plan, you may incur charges to receive these text messages, so check with your cell phone provider before signing up.
You can change the means of receiving notifications in person at the Circulation Desk. You can change your Contact Information there or online in My Account (you will be required to login first).
If you have selected email or text message notifications, you will receive a message 2 days before an item is due.
You will receive a notification that an item is overdue 1 day, 10 days and 21 days after the due date. When materials are 35 days overdue, a paper notification will be sent to your address.
You will receive notification by the format that you have selected when materials that you have placed on hold are available to check out.
WPPL is fine free. Borrowers will be billed for replacement of damaged or lost materials.
Notify the library when any materials are lost. Total charges for an item will include the cost of the item, fines, and fees.
Suspension of your privileges will occur if:
Your neighbors depend upon you to return, on time, the library materials you borrowed.
After-hours lockers are located on the south side of the building, east of the pickup window and drive-up book drops.
Customers may place requests for after-hours locker pickup of materials via phone, e-mail, or in person.
Customers’ library card numbers will serve as the locker combination. Lock combinations will work only on the night they are assigned.
Library staff will reset the combination daily for each locker.
Staff will place materials in the lockers prior to closing.
Materials must be picked up no later than opening time the next day. Materials left in lockers will be placed back into circulation the next morning.
Every effort will be made to accommodate after-hours requests prior to closing. Staff will check on the availability of materials; and, available items will be sent to Circulation. Circulation will check out the materials to the patron and place them in the locker for pick up.
The code is set for the last seven (7) digits of the library card number. When the patron keys in the code, ending with the pound (#) sign, their specific locker will open.
The after-hours lockers room is unlocked and lit when there is material waiting for pick up.
Drive-up window transactions are limited to short term transactions i.e. picking up small loans or paying fines (except for collection agency fines). Patrons must be in a vehicle to use this window (not on foot, not on a bicycle).
Transactions involving collection agency accounts must occur inside the library at the circulation desk.
Registration for a library card, bulk loans or other complicated transactions must occur inside the library at the circulation desk.
The drive-up window will be open during library hours.
Any institution, business, or corporation may request a library card.
An application form will be mailed to the institution, business, or corporation requesting a card, with the following instructions:
The library card will be required when materials are checked out.
Institutional loan policies are the same as for all library cardholders:
Institutions/businesses/corporations may call and request specific items to be held for them at the Circulation Desk, as may other library customers.
If there are only a few items being held, they may be picked up at the Drive-up Window or placed in the After-hours Pick-up Lockers.
Expired Institution cards are not eligible for conversion to a Digital Access Card.
A Digital Access Card has access to all online Library resources, including e-media and databases, as well as in-library computer access and printing. Digital Cards do not have access to checkout physical library materials.
Digital Access Cards may be applied for online at, after which you will be provided with a Digital Access Card number. Additionally, expired full-access Library cards will automatically be converted to a Digital Card for continued access to online Library resources until they are renewed as full-access library cards.
Upon activation as a Digital Access Card, the card number can be used immediately to access online Library resources. A Digital Card may also be used to place a limited number of holds (10) on physical items but cannot be used to checkout items until valid identification is presented to Library staff inside of the Library.
Digital cards are checked for activity annually and access may be removed if the Digital Card is not used at least once in a 12 month period.
Using false identification to obtain a Digital Access Card will result in the library card being barred and may result in the inability to obtain a library card (digital or full access) in the future.
The Library Use Policy was established in order to promote an environment conducive to regular library activities for everyone using the library. It prohibits behaviors that are unsafe or injurious, or that would inordinately disturb others using the library. To provide an atmosphere conducive to an enjoyable library visit by all, visitors to Westlake Porter Public Library must refrain from:
Any individual who willfully violates or aids/abets one who willfully violates the Library Use Policy may be excluded from the library and/or have his or her library privileges revoked. Library employees have the right and responsibility to enforce these policies. A publication available at the Library's Circulation Desk explains specific inappropriate library activities from each of the above categories and what sanctions may be taken.
In order to provide a pleasant and peaceful environment for all customers, cell phone use may be restricted in certain areas of the library. Cell phone usage is permissible in the library unless it becomes disruptive. Patrons should turn their phones off or to vibrate before entering the library.
Children under the age of 9 may not be unattended at any time or location in the library. Children and teens should not be left alone at the library at closing time. If this occurs, Westlake police will be called.
To ensure that everyone has reasonable access to our Federal Government Documents collection, Westlake Porter Public Library will provide mediated services to patrons under the age of nine who cannot come into the library with a caring adult. Assistance can be provided through phone service or via email by contacting Adult Services.
Covered beverages and small, dry snack foods may be brought into the library. Food is prohibited at all computer workstations. Carryout meals/pizzas, and sticky or messy foods (bananas, ice cream, Popsicles, etc.) are not permitted in the library. Beverage containers and food wrappers must be disposed of in wastebaskets. Partially consumed beverages should be emptied into a sink before disposal. Appropriate foods are up to the discretion of the library staff.
January 20, 2021
Information security is defined as the administrative, technical, or physical safeguards the Westlake Porter Public Library (“Library”) uses to access, collect, distribute, process, protect, store, use, transmit, dispose of, or otherwise handle confidential customer or staff information (“confidential information”).
The Library will take every reasonable precaution to ensure that any confidential information that is kept by the Library for any purpose is safeguarded from unauthorized access. The Library has a responsibility to ensure that the accessing, handling, sharing and disposing of confidential information complies with Confidentiality of Customer Records and Protection of Personal Information Policy of the Westlake Porter Public Library, and the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1347.
This policy covers all electronic information resources in the library. It applies equally to network servers, workstations, both staff and public access, network equipment, telecommunications equipment, and peripherals, such as printers, within the library. The policy applies to all library staff, administrators, and contractors using the library’s computer resources.
Under the guidance of the Library Fiscal Officer, the IT Specialist will be designated to oversee the library’s information security program. They will address potential risks to the security, confidentiality, and integrity of confidential information that could result in a compromise. The IT Specialist must ensure that the following standards are met on every computing system, equipment, or network with access to confidential information:
Authorized users may be staff members, volunteers, and contract workers. They are responsible for confidential information in their custody. Maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and regulatory compliance of confidential information stored, processed, or transmitted at the library is a requirement of all authorized users. All authorized users with access to confidential information will:
Library managers, with guidance or direction from the IT Specialist, are ultimately responsible for ensuring that this Information Security policy and individual responsibilities are clearly communicated to staff and are adequately followed. Specific responsibilities of library managers include:
When users fail to comply with this policy, confidential information that is stored, processed, or transmitted on the Westlake Porter Public Library network may be exposed to the unacceptable risk of loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. Violations of security guidelines and procedures established to support this policy will be promptly investigated and could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or termination of rights to use the computer resources.
Any actual or suspected security breaches involving confidential information must be reported immediately to the IT Specialist, Fiscal Officer, Library Director, or Assistant Director. Incident response procedures will be initiated to identify the suspected breach, remediate the breach, and notify appropriate parties.
Within the credit cardholder data environment, the Library will comply with the latest revision of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) and our internal Credit Card Terminal Procedures.
The Library’s designated PCI network will only be used for processing credit card transactions through specifically designated credit card terminals located at public service desks and self-check machines.
December 16, 2020
Collection development for any public library is greatly influenced by its clientele, both active and potential. For this reason, a community profile is provided in the Materials Selection Policy.
Located on 15.97 square miles in the western edge of Cuyahoga County, Westlake is approximately one mile south of the southern shore of Lake Erie. It is a 15-minute commute via I-90 to downtown Cleveland.
Westlake's 2019 population is estimated at 32,275 according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey; 2019: ACS 5-Year Estimates Detailed Tables.
The city's residents have many housing options including neighborhoods of single-family homes, as well as condominiums, townhouses and cluster homes and apartments. In addition, the city has 18 independent living, assisted living and nursing home facilities.
Westlake’s convenient location and accessibility to a variety of major highways make it an ideal place for many businesses. Some of the major employers in the city include:
2020 census data is not yet available, but community demographics will be added when they are released.
In general, Westlake residents are heavy library users. Users indicated they appreciate the library’s atmosphere, collection, and staff. The library is consistently ranked as one of the best libraries in the country according to Library Journal’s American’s Star Libraries rating.
The purpose of this Materials Selection Policy is:
The responsibility of the policy governing the inclusion of materials in the library collection rests with the Board of Trustees. The actual task of selection has been delegated to the Director and the staff members knowledgeable in each of the various subject areas. Selectors choose materials according to the guidelines stated herein, which have been approved by the Porter Public Library Board of Trustees.
Porter Public Library’s collection meets the informational, educational, and recreational needs of its community. Within the limitations imposed by the budget, the library provides materials in a variety of genres, on a variety of subjects, in several formats appropriate for various individual users.
A philosophy of and belief in intellectual freedom underlies Porter’s Selection Policy. The Board of Trustees, administration, and staff of Porter Public Library are committed to these tenets: 1) Intellectual freedom makes possible an informed, enlightened populace by providing a wide variety of facts, opinion, and ideas from which to choose; 2) Free and open access to information is necessary for informed citizens who think and make choices for themselves – voting choices, consumer decisions, opinions on social issues, economic decisions, etc.
Thus, the library has an obligation to provide materials representing diverse points of view on controversial subjects. Material that inspires one reader may indeed sometimes offend another. But, by providing free and open access to diverse information and viewpoints, the public library serves as a cornerstone of the principles of democratic society. However, inclusion of materials in Porter’s collection in no way constitutes or implies agreement with any particular viewpoint, or approval or certification of the content of any item.
Library materials are available for use by all members of the library’s service area regardless of age, sex, or national origin. Library staff cannot make judgments about what a child may or may not read, i.e., they cannot serve “in loco parentis.” Responsibility for the use of the library’s collection by a minor remains with the minor’s parent or guardian.
Porter Public Library’s Board of Trustees supports the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and the interpretations of that document including the Freedom to Read Statement, the statement on Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors, the statement on Labeling Systems, the statement on Expurgation of Library Materials, the statement on Diverse Collections, and the Freedom to View Statement. Links are in the last section of this policy.
This Materials Selection Policy will be reviewed regularly by the library staff to ensure that it continues to accurately describe the library’s philosophy of the selection of materials. As necessary, changes will be recommended to the Board of Trustees for formal approval.
Porter Public Library staff very carefully select materials for this library collection for Porter’s clientele from among the large number of published materials and information available each year.
To do this, trained staff selectors refer to standard professional review sources such as Library Journal, School Library Journal, Booklist, and Publishers Weekly.
In addition, general newspaper and magazine reviews and reviews available on the Internet, as well as publishers’ catalogs and announcements, are used to evaluate potential new materials.
Specific subject or genre guides are used to develop the collection and evaluate older material.
Finally, Porter Public Library encourages user input and tries to be responsive to customer demand. However, titles suggested for purchase by patrons must meet the same standards and criteria applied to all materials selection decisions.
Library staff members do not usually have an opportunity to examine materials first-hand before they are purchased, nor can they be expected to be experts in all fields. Therefore, selectors must rely primarily on reviews appearing in professional library journals and in other magazines and newspapers. Based on careful reading of those reviews, staff evaluate and purchase materials. Some evaluation criteria are the same regardless of genre or format, while others vary.
Fiction (novels) are evaluated and purchased on the basis of these criteria:
Nonfiction books are evaluated and purchased on the basis of these criteria:
Some other general considerations come into play in each purchasing decision, including the following variables.
Textbooks may be purchased when they are the best available source of current information on a subject. Textbooks currently in use in area schools will not be automatically added to the collection.
No material will be selected or not selected solely because of the race, nationality, and social, political, or religious views of the author.
No material will be excluded from purchase solely because of its frankness of expression, unorthodox language, nontraditional theme, or unusual style.
The need for material on a subject, the need for a representative point of view, or patron demand may override ordinary considerations regarding format.
Selectors will not be inhibited by the possibility that a child might come into possession of the material. The library recognizes and respects the sole right of the parent or legal guardian to guide their child’s reading.
Some books are more vulnerable to mutilation, loss, or theft than others. Selectors must be aware of that only as a secondary consideration and will not allow that possibility to deter them from adding something the collection needs.
With the rapid rise in popularity of e-materials the library is invested in creating and maintaining a robust digital collection. While the criteria for purchasing print books is generally followed (see above), the emphasis is placed on popular titles and demand in the community (generated by publicity, media tie-ins, patron requests, etc.). E-materials are not purchased with the intention of replacing print materials but to enhance the library’s collection as a whole.
The audiovisual collection of Westlake Porter Public Library exists to meet the informational, educational, and recreational listening and viewing needs of the community it serves, just as the print collection does for reading needs.
Audiovisual materials constitute an integral part of the library collection. A variety of formats is essential to the collection, in fact, so that information is accessible in the format that is most useful to or usable by each individual library patron.
Criteria for deciding what audiovisual formats to purchase for the library collection include:
The selection of audiovisual materials follows the same general criteria applied to all other library materials. In addition, the capacity of an audiovisual title to increase accessibility by a segment of the general population for whom regular print materials or formats may be inappropriate is an influencing factor. Further factors influencing selection of particular formats follow.
While both entertainment and nonfiction DVDs and Blu-ray titles are purchased, emphasis is placed on entertainment titles. An effort is made to provide a mix of classic films, current wide-release films, smaller films, foreign films, and television movies, miniseries, and series. Nonfiction video titles are purchased on a variety of topics concentrating on those areas where the video format is well suited to the topic and demand is high (e.g., travel, exercise, documentary).
Expected demand for new titles is gauged in large part by past box office performance, popularity of the actors and/or director, patron requests, and past circulation performance of similar titles.
Quality of titles is gauged in large part by reviews, awards received, and other recognition (such as inclusion in the annual Cleveland International Film Festival). In addition to quality of content, technical production quality may also be an influencing factor. Reviews are found in general reviewing sources as well as in specialized review publications and on various Internet sites. Publishers/distributors catalogs, advertisements, and patron requests are also used to identify new titles suitable for purchase.
Selection emphasis is placed on audio versions of current popular fiction and nonfiction print titles. Some classic titles are added as well. In addition, some titles unique to the audio format such as radio plays and “learn while you drive” titles are purchased.
We order unabridged editions of adult audiobooks due to patron input and request.
Reviews of audio titles are found in general reviewing sources as well as specialized titles such as Audiofile. Publishers/distributors catalogs, advertisements, and patron requests are also used to identify new titles suitable for purchase. Other influencing factors may include awards received, production quality, durability, and availability of replacement audiobooks. Every effort is made to stay current on new formats and trends in the audiobook industry and with our collection.
Musical works in various formats are added to the collection according to the same general criteria applied to all other library materials. The emphasis is on popular materials. The work of local artists is included whenever demand warrants.
The ESOL collection was originally created in 1996 with a $3,000 State Library of Ohio administered Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) grant. This money, which was matched by the Westlake Porter Public Library, was used to purchase ESOL materials and equipment. Since then, the Westlake Porter Public Library has continued to add to this collection.
The selector follows the same general criteria applied to all other library materials, and actively seeks input from the ESOL teachers. Our collection is comprised of various formats including multimedia kits.
The ESOL Collection is cataloged with the special designation of EL in the call number. This collection is shelved in a special shelving unit so that the materials may be primarily shelved face-out.
The Express Collection is designed to improve patrons’ access to current, popular materials by providing multiple copies of adult “Best Sellers,” and other high demand material.
The Express Collection consists of materials that have a 7-day, non-renewable loan period. No holds may be placed on these items.
Westlake Porter Public Library has been designated a Government Depository library with a partial collection since January 30, 1992.
The library selects the required core collection and a small percentage of additional materials that fit the needs of a small-to-medium-sized public library collection. Of the total number of government documents available, the library selects less than 10%.
The number of documents available in paper format continues to decrease as the United States Government continues to try to contain or reduce paper, printing, and mailing costs by using the Internet to disseminate its information. The library is balancing the two formats, paper and Internet-accessible, to continue to make available to the community the government data it needs with the best and easiest access available.
The selection of Large Print materials follows the same general criteria applied to all other library materials and relies on the same reviewing sources.
Popular and genre fiction, including romance, mystery, and fiction, along with some classics, science fiction, and westerns, make up the fiction collection. The nonfiction collection is comprised of biographies, self-help, travel memoirs, inspirational titles, and humor.
Selection is based on the popularity of the author, the need for a particular subject, and the appeal to and relevance for its intended audience and is limited by the availability of materials in the Large Print format. Standing order plans are set up with several vendors.
The selection of Local History materials follows the same general criteria applied to all other library materials. The selection of Local History materials is on an “exhaustive” level for the specific community that the library serves, i.e., Westlake/Dover Township.
The selection of Local History materials will be based on the following criteria:
In all cases, the material must be deemed usable.
Materials associated with areas outside of Westlake may be selected when they have some direct relationship to Westlake/Dover Township or when they serve a popular as well as a local interest.
The library will not aggressively seek to select genealogical materials except in the case of unpublished materials pertaining to Westlake/Dover Township. Because of the ephemeral and irreplaceable nature of Local History materials, the library actively seeks materials that meet the stated criteria. Gifts of books, printed materials, audiovisual materials, maps, original correspondence, and unpublished materials pertaining to Westlake/Dover Township are materials that fall within the parameters of the library’s collection. Realia are not actively sought unless the specific item had special significance in the history of the library. The library will determine the ultimate use and method of processing the gift materials. As with all donated materials, disposition of the materials is entirely up to the library. The library does not accept materials with restrictions.
Westlake Porter Public Library offers a small display area for local Northeastern Ohio authors, musicians, directors, and filmmakers who want their work sampled to library users. This collection is designed to give new and emerging creators, especially those whose materials are not yet widely reviewed or stocked by libraries and bookstores, an opportunity to be shared with friends and neighbors.
The library subscribes to a small number of newspapers to provide local, state, and national coverage of general and business news. The emphasis is on local news. All the major newspapers of Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties as well as the local newspapers that specifically cover Westlake are part of the collection.
That base collection is augmented by papers The Plain Dealer for regional news and The New York Times, Washington Post, and USA Today for national news.
Business newspapers include The Wall Street Journal, Crain’s Cleveland Business, and Barron’s.
The retention periods for the newspapers vary. Selected newspapers are retained in microform if they are valuable sources of local history and information or if they are indexed but not available in full text in those indices.
Selection of paperbacks follows the same general criteria applied to all other library materials in addition to the following:
Donations of paperbacks are accepted for those in like new condition, with preference given to filling in holes or replacing older copies in the collection. Duplicate copies are ordered of new, popular titles.
All paperbacks are cataloged.
Paperbacks are retained as long as they are in good condition, circulating, and/or part of a series. To keep the collection fresh and current, worn or damaged titles are removed from the collection. Physical condition, circulation statistics, and space are the basis for the decisions on retention.
Periodicals are selected according to the same general criteria applied to all other library materials. They, too, meet the recreational, informational, and educational needs of library users. Factors considered in the acquisition of a periodical are popularity and potential usage of a title; indexing by a service which the library already has; coverage of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Northeast Ohio, or Ohio; and cost.
Periodicals of a highly technical or specialized nature are not usually selected. Duplicate subscriptions of popular titles are ordered as Express copies.
Gift subscriptions are the result of 1) a donated subscription of a specific periodical; or 2) donated current issues of a periodical delivered to the library by the donor. The periodical in question may be a periodical the library has been subscribing to or one that the library would like to try. If the donor does not renew the gift subscription, the library may or may not choose to continue subscribing to it. The library may accept or refuse gift subscriptions, according to the same general criteria applied to all periodicals.
Gifts of back files of periodicals will be accepted only if the library currently subscribes to the periodical and wants to replace worn or missing copies. In instances where demand warrants, duplicate copies may be added as Express copies.
Free subscriptions and trial offers from publishers are periodicals that are received free of charge and without any commitment on the library’s part. The library reserves the right to utilize or refuse such publications at its own discretion.
Retention of back issues of periodicals is determined by usage, availability online or in other formats, availability in other libraries, and availability of storage space.
The reference collection contains materials in the whole range of the Dewey Classification System. The reading level of these materials varies from middle school to college.
These materials are selected according to the same general criteria applied to the selection of all library materials. In addition, it is important that reference materials be updated as frequently as the budget allows, be authoritative, clearly presented and arranged, adequately indexed and easy to use.
The availability of comparable information from authoritative Internet sources and the reference resources of surrounding libraries are also considered, especially if the reference work in question is expensive, specialized, or requires a considerable amount of shelf space.
The business/investment collection receives special emphasis. Legal reference sources are another larger part of the collection and include state and city codifications of laws and regulations, form books, and handbooks. Other areas with some depth are the college and scholarship guides, the medical books, and the car repair manuals. Other subject areas may be developed in response to school assignments.
Some reference titles that are published periodically are placed on a standing order basis with either the specific publisher or a library jobber.
In most cases, only the current edition of a title is kept in the reference collection.
Westlake Porter Public Library provides information or access to information in whatever format is available and usable. As the budget allows and customer needs dictate online databases and streaming services are acquired through subscription or in a cost-per-use format, to replace or supplement print materials.
Online databases accessed through the Internet offer speed of access, current information, and enable the user to manipulate information and generate it in a format he/she needs.
Online databases and/or streaming services must meet these criteria:
Selection will be made after staff members preview the product. Reviews in appropriate sources may also be consulted.
These products will be retained or renewed based on usage statistics, cost, and availability of the same or similar information in OPLIN-provided resources, free Internet websites, or other consumer products.
The Research Databases & Subscriptions section of the library website includes links to quality sites on a variety of topics. Although the library does not limit access to any content on the Internet, only relevant, useful, quality sites will be linked to from the website. These sites must meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs of this community. These sites are also selected to enrich and complement the library’s print and audiovisual collection. Often the Internet is able to provide more current or esoteric material than is available in the library. This policy is consistent with the collection development policies for other library materials.
Some criteria the web site needs to meet before a link can be established:
Often the library will take recommendations from credible sources such as Library Journal. If a link becomes inactive, or out-of-date it will be eliminated.
Selection of children’s materials will follow the same general criteria applied to all other library materials within each genre.
In addition, because children's materials encompass a broad range of levels and audiences, additional consideration is given to the format or physical make-up of the materials. These include:
Children’s materials are selected to promote the growth and development of cultural, informational, and recreational reading on all levels of children’s comprehension and reading abilities. The children’s collection must be current, fresh, lively, and attractive.
In concert with Porter Public Library’s philosophy of intellectual freedom for juvenile as well as adult users, no material will be excluded from the collection solely because of potentially controversial words or situations.
Porter Public Library provides a diverse collection to meet the diverse reading needs of all children in the community. The library recognizes and respects the sole right of the parent or legal guardian to guide his/her child’s selection of individual items from the array of library materials provided.
Selection emphasis is placed on popular demand for children’s and young adult titles.
The selection of Young Adult (YA) materials follows the same general criteria applied to all other library materials.
The Young Adult collection consists of fiction, graphic novels, comic books, and periodicals which address the special needs of maturing young adults. Materials which promote and develop a tolerance and understanding of people, cultures, and personal situations and dilemmas are given special consideration. The small collection of Young Adult non-fiction is continuously updated to keep abreast of teens’ current interests.
In concert with Westlake Porter Public Library’s philosophy of intellectual freedom for all library users, regardless of age, no material will be excluded from the young adult collection solely because of profanity, sexual frankness, or controversial situations.
Westlake Porter Public Library provides a diverse collection to meet the diverse reading needs of all young adults in the community. The library recognizes and respects the sole right of a parent or legal guardian to guide his/her child’s selection from the array of materials provided.
In order to maintain a collection that is current and relevant to the community’s needs, items must be removed from the collection according to the same criteria by which new materials are added. It is the materials selector’s responsibility to continually reevaluate the usefulness of materials previously added to the collection. In this process the selectors are guided by “Westlake Public Library Materials Deselection Policy” (1996) and The Crew Method: Expanded Guidelines for Collection Evaluation and Weeding for Small and Medium-Sized Public Libraries.
Deselected materials are neither given nor sold to individuals. No special care is taken to retain advertising supplements or inserts or to reserve them for individuals or groups. Instead, deselected materials in fair to good condition are donated to the Friends of the Library to be sold in their public book sales. Materials not needed by the Friends of the Library are donated to a non-profit organization that donates books to people in need. This enables the library to maintain its service to the public as a lending rather than a commercial institution. It also benefits the library monetarily because proceeds from the Friends’ book sales are used to purchase new materials and equipment for the library or to fund library programming.
Just as the Westlake Porter Public Library carefully selects materials for purchase, it must also carefully deselect materials that no longer fit the library’s established roles. The library’s primary role is a “Popular Materials Library,” featuring current, high demand, high interest materials in a variety of formats for persons of all ages. A very close secondary role is as a “Reference Library,” providing timely, accurate, and useful information with a variety of format, access, and delivery options for community residents, organizations, and businesses. A third role is that of “Preschoolers Door to Learning,” encouraging young children to develop an interest in reading and learning through services for children, as well as for parents and care givers.
Deselection of nonfiction materials is based on four criteria:
Deselection of fiction materials is based on the above criteria in addition to the following:
Regular deselection of the collection saves both shelf space and database space. It prevents the need to use the hard-to-reach shelves at both the top and bottom of each stack, making the entire collection more accessible to those of all ages and physical conditions. Removing ragged books with illegible labels saves time for both patrons and staff trying to find titles. Library housekeeping from dusting to reclassification is made more efficient.
More specific deselection guidelines from The Crew Method: Expanded Guidelines for Collection Evaluation and Weeding for Small and Medium-Sized Public Libraries are used by each selector to evaluate the portion of the collection for which they are responsible.
Donated books and other materials are added to the collection according to the general criteria applied to all other library materials. They must be in good physical condition.
Donated books and other materials must be delivered to the library. The library does not have the staff to pick up donated materials.
Library staff members are not qualified to assess the fair market value of donated materials. A donor may request an “Acknowledgment of a Donation” form.
The disposition of donated materials is entirely up to the library. Donated materials that are not added to the collection are often given to the Friends of the Library for their sales that raise money for library projects, programs, and materials.
The library does not accept special collections which the donor stipulates must be kept together as a separate entity or which the donor gives with restrictions concerning circulation, location, or usage, except in the case of Local History materials. The library determines the use, location, and method of processing for all materials.
Gift materials, like all other library materials are subject to theft, mutilation, deterioration, and obsolescence. These items will be deselected on the same basis as the other items in the collection.
The library welcomes gifts of books or other library materials, and funds for library projects by individuals or organizations as lasting and useful memorials of friends or family members and as celebrations of special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, etc.
Usually the library selects the title(s), but donors are asked to recommend subject areas or specific authors to be considered. Staff will complete the “Commemorative and Monetary Donation” form. Every effort will be made by selectors to choose materials that will both benefit the collection and please the donors. A gift or memorial plate will be placed on the material if requested.
All library materials are subject to deterioration, loss, damage, and obsolescence, unfortunately, and the library cannot guarantee that “in memoriam” or gift materials will remain a part of the collection forever. These items will be deselected on the same basis as other items in the collection.
The library collection is selected to reflect a variety of viewpoints and satisfy a variety of tastes. Occasionally, a library user may feel that a particular material is inappropriate for the collection or inaccurate. To address this kind of concern, the library has developed a procedure for the reconsideration of library materials.
The library provides the library user with a “Request for Reconsideration of Materials” form. The completed form is given to the Technical Services & Collection Development Manager, who will work with the Collection Development team (including the selector of the material under discussion) to read, view, or listen to a substantial amount of the material in question, read any available reviews, and, as a group, make a written recommendation to the Assistant Director, who in turn notifies the Director of the decision. The Board of Trustees will be informed at the next Board meeting. The Assistant Director then replies in writing to the library user.
“Interlibrary Loan is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library” (Interlibrary Loan Code of the United States, 2001).
The library has the responsibility of developing its collection to meet the needs of its community. Interlibrary loan affords the library a means of supplementing its collection, a means of accessing materials outside the scope of the library’s collection or budget.
The library provides Interlibrary Loan services for physical materials primarily through the resource sharing consortium SearchOhio/OhioLINK. The library also utilizes WorldCat Resource Sharing for Interlibrary Loan that extends beyond Ohio libraries. Porter Library belongs to the Ohio Digital Library (ODL) consortium for resource sharing of eMaterials.
SearchOhio/OhioLINK and ODL requests are initiated through our catalog by patrons or with staff assistance. Items are received and delivered through a statewide courier contracted with the State Library.
Interlibrary Loan through WorldCat requires facilitation of library staff and, as materials are sent and received all over the country, has a unique set of protocols that must be followed:
The library will initiate an interlibrary loan request for any material in any format with only these commonsense restrictions: it will not request bestsellers, newly released feature films, or materials already owned by the library but checked out. The library will, of course, request interlibrary loans for titles that are lost, missing, damaged, or long overdue. The library will not request multiple copies of titles for the use of individuals or of groups. The library will, however, interlibrary loan titles in sufficient quantities for the discussion groups it serves or sponsors.
The library will request copies of journal or magazine articles if it has complete enough information to make the request and if the request complies with copyright law.
The library will act as an intermediary to obtain microfilm reels from the National Archives. The patron makes a check out to the lending agency.
A patron requesting interlibrary loan service must have an active card and not be barred or blocked from checking out materials from Westlake Porter Public Library.
This library will lend any material in any format to any reciprocating library, with these restrictions:
The library will not reserve materials in order to fill interlibrary loan requests. We will renew materials we lend on interlibrary loan for a two-week period if there is no reserve on them by one of our cardholders.
The library is a member of two resource-sharing groups, LVIS, Libraries Very Interested in Sharing, and OHIO, a group started by the Avon Lake Public Library.
November 15, 2023
Westlake Porter Public Library (“WPPL” or “Library”) is committed to protecting your privacy by treating personally identifiable information confidentially. Our commitment to your privacy has deep roots in the law and in the ethics and practices of librarianship. The library holds true to the values of the American Library Association affirming that, “Privacy is essential to the exercise of free speech, free thought, and free association.” As such, we aspire to protect each library user’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.
State law (Ohio Revised Code Section 149.432) protects your library records from disclosure if a member of the public or the media requests them. Library records include any written or electronic record used to identify a patron. This includes, but is not limited to, your borrowing history, name, address, telephone number, email address, computer use, and fine, fee or print transaction history. Although the library does everything we can in order to protect your privacy, there are times when we may be required by law to provide this information. Library records may be subject to disclosure to law enforcement officials per legal requirements, the USA PATRIOT ACT, or in a civil lawsuit.
The library strives to collect the least amount of personally identifiable information necessary. We attempt to avoid creating unnecessary records. We may keep your information as long as necessary for standard business options or as required by state and or local laws or records retention schedules. We avoid practices that might place your information in public view without your consent. You may choose to submit your personal information in order to use some library services. The personal information you give to the library will be treated as confidential, to the extent possible. We will not sell or license your information. We will not disclose it to any third-party except those working under contract with the library or as required by law.
We may collect the following personal information when you access library services:
The library does not keep a record of your reading history beyond operational requirements. Once you return an item it is removed from your account. Items with late fees or bills will remain on your account until paid. Third-party vendors (see below section on third-party vendors) however, may keep a record of your borrowing history.
We use Google Analytics and Monster Insights to collect data about the use of our website, catalog and blogs; this data is kept by WPPL and not readily accessible to outside parties. We use this information to make improvements to our website and to track trends.
Your personal information (name, address, etc.) is not tracked. Our website collects the following data:
Any personal information provided by you in email messages, web forms, mobile apps, in-person, via telephone or other communications is only used for the purpose for which submitted.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is used to check out library materials, keep a record of the library collection, and secure the collection from theft. RFID tags attached to items only contain the barcode number of the item. No personal library patron or transaction information is on the RFID tag.
All library patron records are considered confidential. Library records may only be disclosed to:
If the library cardholder is under the age of 18, the parent(s), guardian(s) or custodians of the child may be given information about that child’s library record. Ohio law states that this right is not limited to the parents who actually live with the child, and parents who do not have custody, who are separated, or who are divorced do have the right to access their minor child’s records. Proof of the parent or guardian’s identity is required through photo identification.
Patrons can gain access to another adult patron’s record only through written consent of the cardholder. This consent provides access to the entire patron record. This consent does not allow for updating personal contact information.
All library patrons can view their personal contact information online, and selected information can be updated online through MyAccount. Selected information can also be updated over the telephone after answering security questions. All other information must be updated in-person after providing proof of identity.
The privacy and safety of children (defined as under age 18) is important to us. Personal information collected by the library is not shared with any non-library-affiliated agency or vendor. Due to the ease with which children can share personal information on the internet, we encourage parents and caregivers to monitor their children’s online activities.
The library’s website ( is encrypted via HTTPS. All communications between your browser and the library website are private. Your account is also encrypted.
A cookie is a small file sent to your browser by a website each time you visit a site. Cookies are stored on your computer and can transmit personal information. Cookies are used to remember information about preferences on the pages you visit.
You can refuse to accept cookies, disable cookies and remove cookies from your hard drive. However, this may result in a lack of access to some library services. Our library servers use cookies to verify that a person is an authorized user. This allows you access to licensed library-affiliated or approved third-party vendors and to customize webpages to your preferences. Cookies obey the privacy settings that you have chosen in your browser. We will not share cookie information with external third parties.
The library uses software programs that monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized or malicious attempts to upload or change information or otherwise cause damage. The library may block illegal, malicious and other websites that could undermine data and network security, based upon current blocklists.
The library does not keep a record of your activities on any publicly accessible computer or device made available for public use. Any record of browsing history and activities are removed when you log out.
All personally identifiable information is purged immediately upon the end of your public computer session. An anonymous log is created that identifies only the computer terminal number, reservation time, and duration of the session.
All public print data is kept accessible on the server for 24 hours after the job was submitted. This allows time for mobile print users to pick up their print jobs, and patrons to request re-prints. After 24 hours the print data is deleted from the server. A record of print transactions is kept for billing and accounting purposes.
You may choose to subscribe to a variety of WPPL electronic mailing lists that promote library news and activities. The mailing lists are serviced by an affiliated vendor. See below for information on how the library works with third party vendors.
The library enters into agreements with third-parties to provide online services, digital collections, streaming media content, and more. When using some of these services, you may also connect with social networks and other users.
Affiliated third-party vendors may collect and share your information, including:
For more information on these third-party services and the types of data that may be collected and shared, refer to the Terms of Use and Privacy webpages of each vendor/service. You may choose not to use these third-party vendors if you do not accept their terms of use and privacy policies. Please read them carefully.
We make reasonable efforts to ensure that the library’s contracts, licenses, and offsite computer service arrangements reflect our policies and legal obligations concerning patron privacy and confidentiality. Our contracts address restrictions on the use, aggregation, sharing, and sale of information, particularly about minors.
The library expects vendors to:
Library patrons must understand when using remote or third-party vendor sites that there are limits to the privacy protection the library can provide.
The library also may suggest links to external websites that are not privacy-protected. You are not required to give these sites your library card or any other personally identifiable information to use their services.
All WPPL locations have interior and exterior security cameras. Video footage is kept for two weeks. Video is available to view by designated staff or by third parties under legal compulsion.
It is the policy of the Westlake Porter Public Library to preserve the confidentiality and privacy of the registration and circulation records of its borrowers to the fullest extent permitted by law. Only the director or designee is authorized to receive or comply with requests from law enforcement officers. We speak with our legal counsel whenever possible before determining the proper response. Library records are not made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government without a subpoena, warrant, court order or other legal document requiring us to do so. These orders must show good cause and be in proper form. Library staff are instructed to refer any law enforcement requests to library administrators.
It is our policy to protect your personally identifiable information from unauthorized disclosure. Regular privacy audits are run to ensure that all library programs and services comply with this privacy policy. Library patrons who have questions, concerns, or complaints regarding the library’s handling of their privacy and confidentiality rights should contact our Privacy Officer. The library reserves the right to change or modify this privacy policy at any time. Changes will be posted on the library’s website.
The Quiet Room in the Adult Services area was designed for those library users who prefer to do their solitary reading, studying, or thinking in very quiet surroundings. Customers are asked to make sure that their cell phones and pagers are off before entering this room and to refrain from using any equipment that makes noise within the room. Customers who interfere with the concentration of others in the room will be asked to find another place to work within the library.
Public records are any documents— electronic, email, or paper— that relate to the business or activity of the office.
Records are available Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.
Please contact Fiscal Officer Jana Nassif at 440-871-2600.
Copies are $0.10 per page, or $1 for files on a CD-ROM.
If the records are readily available, they will be provided immediately.
If the records need to be researched or reviewed, you will receive a written response and/or the records in no more than three business days.
WPPL recognizes the importance of the Internet in the exchange of ideas and information about our library and is committed to the promotion of our library through the use of social media.
Social media is defined as any website or application which allows users to share information, including but not limited to blogs, wikis, and social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube.
The library will use its media platforms to inform the public about materials, services, programs and events offered. The library will use social media to engage with its community regarding topics or issues related to its resources and services. The library may, at times, conduct surveys or request comments and input from the community regarding materials and services.
The Library does not collect, maintain or otherwise use the personal information stored on any third party site in any way other than to communicate with users on that site, unless granted permission by users for library contact outside the site. The purpose for contact outside the site may include program promotion, volunteer opportunities, reference help, or other similar activities. Users may remove themselves at anytime from the Library’s "friends" or "fan" lists, or request that the library remove them. Users should be aware that third party websites have their own privacy policies and proceed accordingly.
Comments, posts, and messages are welcome on WPPL social media sites, provided they do not contain the following:
WPPL reserves the right to edit, modify or remove any postings or comments for space or inappropriate content, while retaining the intent of the original post. Posts from any users that are removed should be retained to comply with the Freedom of Information Act.
Comments do not reflect the views of the library, its officers, or employees. Users must exercise their own judgement about the quality and accuracy of information presented.
The library’s social media target audience consists of people residing in its service area and existing patrons.
WPPL’s social media accounts are a digital representation of the library. The interactions occurring via social media will maintain the same high level of customer service patrons are accustomed to in the physical library. Staff members will remain professional at all times. Staff will maintain a friendly, sincere and energetic tone when posting to the library’s social media platforms. Content being posted will come from the point of view of WPPL, not the individual staff member. Staff will refrain from expressing any personal views or conducting personal business when posting on behalf of WPPL. Staff will not make any posts in violation of WPPL’s confidentiality policy. Staff will observe and abide by all copyright and trademark restrictions.
Westlake Porter Public Library provides space for publications and/or announcements of cultural, educational, civic or recreational events. Space will not be provided for propaganda materials of any kind. Propaganda is defined as: “information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.”
All material to be distributed or posted must be submitted to the library for approval. These materials may be left with the receptionist. Approval is at the discretion of Group Services. Although every attempt will be made to post materials in a timely manner, up to 5 days may be required to review the material, depending on staff schedules, etc.
If space is limited, priority will be given to materials from Westlake organizations. Space is not provided for political, religious or commercial purposes, including “for sale” promotions and solicitations.
Posters and flyers should be no larger than 8-½ by 11 inches. Larger items will be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Outdoor signage on library grounds for community events, programs, etc. will be limited to those publicizing library or approved library partnership events.
Items posted without approval will be removed. Approved items will be dated and initialed, posted and removed by staff.
Gallery space is available for exhibits of artwork particularly of local and regional artists. Westlake Porter Public Library provides this space to feature art, as part of the library’s cultural mission. The library is a central community gathering place, and its easy public accessibility and numerous hours of operation make WPPL’s space an advantageous public venue. Having artwork in the library also enhances the library’s environment for patrons, and helps to promote both art and artists. While all artwork will be considered, this space is not provided for commercial, nor for specifically religious or political purposes. Westlake Porter Public Library makes the final decision on the content and arrangement of all Gallery Exhibits accepted.
Other selection guidelines for exhibits include:
In return for the opportunity to exhibit at the library, WPPL requests a commission of 20% for any artwork sold.
WPPL assumes no liability for items installed, displayed or exhibited. The library does not insure exhibits.
Individual artists must apply in advance to exhibit their work at the WPPL. Copies of slides, photographs or color copies of the work may be requested prior to approval for use of the space. An itemized list of the artworks to be exhibited, an artist’s biography, and an artist’s statement must be submitted prior to the installation of the exhibit. Artists and groups approved to exhibit their work at WPPL will be given specific scheduled dates after their work has been evaluated. Artists displaying artwork for two consecutive years should have at least 50% new artwork from the previous year. Once an artist has been selected to display artwork at WPPL, exhibitors must comply with the dates/times established for setting up and taking down artwork. Assistance will be provided, but the artist or artist’s representative must be present and assist with both hanging and taking down the exhibit.
Other exhibiting logistics & policies are:
Library sponsored or co-sponsored exhibits take precedence over other exhibits at all times and the library reserves the right to, without notice, cancel the use of the display areas by outside exhibitors if the Library Director or Library Board of Trustees determines that the display space is needed for library purposes.
Artwork must be ready for exhibition with two-dimensional work having proper matting, framing, and wire for hanging. Three-dimensional work should be ready for the display cases and all work must be tagged on the back with title. Any work not conforming to these standards will not be exhibited. All items must be labeled with the artist’s name, the title of work, and price or “NFS”.
The Library's hanging system allows for some flexibility in the height and location of paintings. No additional hooks, nails, or other fasteners will be attached to the walls of the Library. Additional hangers are available.
Exhibitors may book one of the Library's Meeting Rooms for a “Meet the Artist” reception.
The Library coordinates display for all exhibits and as a courtesy to exhibitors, the Library will facilitate publicity about the exhibit and may include some promotion such as press releases to local and regional newspapers, calendars, and brochures. If an artist contacts, on his/her own, any local media, the artist must inform the library.
Applications may be picked up from the Group Services office or the Reception Desk.
Policy Approved: December 21, 2022
As a community service, Westlake Porter Public Library provides meeting rooms that may be used by community organizations. The library has multiple meeting rooms, a conference
room, and a technology lab that may be scheduled for educational, cultural, intellectual or civic activities. These rooms can accommodate individual speakers, panel groups, AV presentations, art and gardening projects, and board or committee meetings. These rooms are available during times when they are not in use for the library or library-sponsored programs and activities.
Individuals may not profit from, nor use the library’s facilities, meeting rooms, or tutoring rooms to run a business.
Meetings planned by a company or individual to promote, advertise, or lead to a sale of a product or service are not permitted.
The meeting rooms are available on a first-come, first served basis. Reservations must be made in writing, on the Meeting Room Application. The Application Form must be submitted for each set of specifically reserved dates.
Alcoholic beverages and smoking are NOT permitted in the Library.
All meetings shall be open to the general community. If there are any inquiries regarding your meeting the applicant's name and telephone number will be given as contact information.
The Library and its meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible.
The use of a meeting room by a non-library group shall NOT be publicized in such a way as to imply Library sponsorship of the group’s activity unless the activity is truly and formally being co-sponsored by the Library.
The name, address or telephone number of the library may NOT be used as the contact address or headquarters of an organization. A contact name and telephone number must be given in any publicity for meetings or programs held at the library.
An adult leader must be present at all times and responsible for the supervision of any group of minors (under the age of 18) using the meeting rooms.
The Library’s meeting rooms may be used by political groups for regular meetings of an organizational nature. They may be used for public forums, debates, and candidates’ nights but not for self-promotion of any one candidate. All sides must be offered the opportunity to participate and be represented.
Meeting rooms are NOT available for receptions or private parties.
The maximum number of times any one group may reserve the use of meeting rooms is 12 times per year. However, depending on room availability, time of day, and day of week, additional times may be assigned at the discretion of the Meeting Room and Events Supervisor. For high demand times, requests for additional dates beyond the initial 12 may be made 14 days in advance of the date desired.
Groups using library rooms may not charge fees. With the exception of Westlake Porter Public Library, Friends of Westlake Porter Public Library, and Westlake Porter Public Library
Foundation, no fundraising activities or solicitation may occur. Service clubs and organizations that collect de minimis amounts during their meetings may be permitted, subject to library approval in advance. Attendees cannot not be required to participate in these activities. A reasonable charge may be made to cover the cost of activity/craft materials, but is subject to library approval in advance.
The Library may choose to partner with organizations or businesses to provide fee-based services if they are deemed to be in the public interest and if they fit the mission of the library.
The Library will allow its meeting rooms to be used for classes provided by the Westlake City School District, the City of Westlake (Recreation Department or Community Services Department, for example), and accredited area colleges and universities, or other organizations of an educational nature which have entered into a partnership with Westlake Porter Public Library to provide classes which would benefit the public. Such groups sponsoring classes, which meet for several nights in a row or several weeks, will be assessed a fee to recuperate overhead costs.
The meeting rooms are available during regular library hours free of charge to qualifying groups. On Monday through Thursday only, groups whose meetings begin while the library is open may continue to meet a maximum of two hours beyond the library’s closing time, provided the time is scheduled and staffing is available. In such instances, all attendees at the meeting must vacate the building no later than 11:00 pm. Normally, the library’s doors are locked and the security system set promptly at 9:00 pm. Groups that have not registered and been approved in advance to remain after hours, must completely vacate the meeting rooms by 8:45 pm, so that the meeting room wing can be secured.
Groups should check in at the Reception Desk to confirm arrival and ensure rooms are unlocked. An attendance card will be available to all groups in the meeting rooms. At the conclusion of each meeting, please fill in the attendance number and turn it in at the Reception Desk.
Groups should notify the library as far in advance as possible, but at least 24 hours in advance, of cancellations.
Failure to cancel sooner than 24 hours before the scheduled meeting may result in future applications being denied.
While every effort is made to honor all reservations, the library retains the right to cancel scheduled organizational meetings if the need should arise. In such an unusual case, as much notice as possible will be given.
Groups are responsible for transporting, setting up and operating their own equipment. A cart can be provided upon request for bringing such equipment into the building. Groups may NOT store or leave their equipment at the library overnight.
The large meeting room and the medium-sized meeting room contain standard folding tables and stacking chairs that may be used by groups. Groups may choose a configuration from the Meeting Facilities List of Standard Room Set-ups and should register their request at least one week in advance of the meeting. Groups preferring a room configuration that is different from the options provided are responsible for setting the room up themselves and for returning it to normal immediately afterward.
Special needs of handicapped persons should be brought to the attention of the Events Facilitator at least 48 hours in advance of a scheduled meeting so that, if possible, the request can be filled.
Library audiovisual equipment is available for use during the meetings held at the Library. Groups are responsible for operating any equipment furnished and are liable for any damage to it. Groups that view videos must secure all necessary performance licenses and indemnify the library for any failure to do so. Reservations for available audiovisual equipment must be made with the Group Services Department at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting date.
Light refreshments may be served. A coffee maker is available in each meeting room for coffee or hot water. The kitchenette and staging room are available for any group to use, so long as they are cleaned afterward. The staging area may be used for deliveries of prepared food or box lunches, etc. A refrigerator and microwave are also available in this area. Groups must bring their own supplies, coffee, cups, and any other materials they will need.
The meeting rooms, restrooms, and kitchenette must be left in neat and clean order. Organizations will be responsible for and billed for any equipment or property loss or damage as well as for any cleaning required.
Westlake Porter Public Library has two pianos, which may be used by music teachers and organizations for scheduled public performances and one practice session per performance, in conjunction with the use of the meeting room. The use of the pianos is at the discretion of the library. The grand piano will not be moved out of the Porter Room.
Pianos are tuned regularly but not necessarily before each performance. Any teacher or group wanting the piano(s) tuned prior to their scheduled performance can opt to pay for the tuning in full, in advance in lieu of the normal fee. The tuning will be arranged through the library with its tuner.
The library will allow piano recitals to be held at the library under the following conditions:
Individuals wishing to use the piano for practice should schedule a time in advance to guarantee availability. Drop-in requests for piano use may be accommodated if the room with the piano(s) is available.
Westlake Porter Public Library has one computer training lab that may be scheduled for groups to provide training or needing computer resources as part of their meeting. This room is only available during times when it is not in use for library or library-sponsored computer training and activities. At the discretion of the Library, staff may be present to monitor the room or equipment during any session. All general meeting room reservation policies apply to this room.
Individuals or businesses may not profit from, nor use the library’s facilities, meeting rooms, or study rooms to run a business.
The library will not install an individual’s or a group’s personal software on library computers.
Because this room has specialized equipment in it, there are additional guidelines that apply to the usage of this room:
In addition to the larger meeting rooms, Westlake Porter Public Library has several study rooms of various sizes that can hold anywhere from 1-6 people. Study rooms are available during times when they are not in use for the library or library-sponsored programs and activities. Study rooms are available during the hours the library is open, until fifteen (15) minutes before closing.
All general meeting room reservation policies apply to these rooms.
Excessive no-shows or cancellations by individuals will result in loss of privileges. Bookings will be held for 15 minutes unless the user has notified the library that he/she will be late.
Individuals who wish to use the rooms to study are permitted to do so, on a first-come, first served basis. They must sign-in at the Public Service Desk in that area. They may only use the room if it is not reserved for other purposes. There is a maximum guarantee use time of two (2) hours per day; additional time may be requested if there is no one waiting to use the room.
September 1, 2009
Integral to public library service is the provision of diverse information in multiple formats to meet the information needs of the entire community. Every public library endeavors to develop collections, resources and services to meet such needs. That goal is emphasized in the mission of Westlake Porter Public Library: Through diverse resources and services and easy access to "educate, empower, engage, enlighten, and excite the public." It is within this context that Westlake Porter Public Library offers free access to the Internet via the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN). OPLIN services are provided and funded by the State of Ohio.
Providing access to the Internet and other electronic resources enhances the library's collection through the Internet's immediate access to a variety of up-to-date information.
The same standards of intellectual freedom, privacy, and confidentiality endorsed by the library for traditional resources and services will also be applied to electronic media, including usage of the Internet. The library is mindful of its commitment to the principles of freedom of access but sensitive to the fact that the library's computers are in a public location subject to view by a wide audience. Staff members reserve the right to prohibit material that, in their judgment, is inappropriate for viewing in a public area, particularly as it relates to Ohio's "harmful to minors" law.
Finally, the library cannot be held responsible for the technical reliability of the OPLIN or the Internet, or any loss or inconvenience users may suffer as a result of a system disruption. Although the library makes every effort to maintain reliable equipment and procedures, some "down time" is unavoidable and can occur at any time. Specific sites on the World Wide Web may be unavailable because that system may, for example, have failed, is too "busy," may have "moved," may only be available to certain institutions or members, or may no longer exist.
The library has a policy of open access. The user need not have a library card. Usage is not restricted by age (supervision is the parent's responsibility), is not prioritized by information need (everyone's information need is important to him or her), and is not restricted by residency.
Our Youth Services web page features links to websites of special interest to children. Informational programs for parents on this topic are scheduled, as needed. Information about the library's policy is on the registration form for children's borrower's cards.
The number of individuals using a single computer workstation is limited by the discretion of staff. The size of the group may not encroach on neighboring workstations. Group work can be a valuable learning and sharing experience. However, if the group creates a disturbance to others' effective use of the library, they will be asked to correct their behaviors, disband, and/or to leave the building. Large groups interested in reserving computers for teaching purposes are encouraged to ask at the Group Services Desk about reserving the Computer Training Lab.
To ensure equal access to the library's computer resources our automated computer scheduling system may impose a maximum daily time or login limit.
There are electrical outlets in the Study Rooms, on the curved wall near the Large Print and nonfiction stacks, and in other public areas of the building. Customers using their own laptop computers may use these outlets, provided that no cord is left lying across carpeting. Outlets in columns cannot be safely used for this purpose.
The library has installed data jacks and phone jacks so that customers with laptop computers can access the Internet. To use a data jack (orange and labeled D) a customer must have an installed network interface card on his computer and a category 5 patch cord. Customers who prefer to use a phone jack hook up need a phone cord. Both category 5 patch cords and phone cords are available at the Reference Desk. A form of ID is required to borrow the cords and is kept at the Reference desk while cords are being used.
As with other equipment in the library, library staff may reserve certain times in order to provide library tours or to conduct classes for staff, public, or other organizations.
July 18, 2018
In the Adult Electronic Services Area, computer workstations are currently limited to a guaranteed 60 minutes of usage by any one individual at a time. Patrons may extend their session in 15-minute increments as long as there is no one waiting. There is no limit on the number of sessions allowed.
Laptop computers are available for checkout and use within the building.
In the Youth Services area, computer workstations are limited to a guaranteed 60 minutes. Children under the age of 14 and adults accompanying small children are encouraged to use these stations. Adults without children accompanying them should use the workstations in the adult areas of the building.
The library's computers are for educational and informational purposes, not unauthorized, illegal, or unethical purposes. A user may not send, receive, or display text or graphics that may reasonably be construed as obscene.
Consideration for the integrity of the library's and other automated systems is paramount: Malicious use, which is determined at the library's discretion, is totally unacceptable. Use of the computer systems in a manner that precludes or significantly hampers use by others is not allowed. This includes purposefully violating library procedures concerning time limits, providing fraudulent computer user registration information, or using someone else's card, etc. It also includes physical abuse of library equipment. In the case of misuse or physical abuse of PCs by children, it is the responsibility of parents to monitor their child's use of the equipment and to make restitution for any damage.
It is not acceptable to use library Internet access or other library software or hardware for any purposes which violate U.S. or Ohio law; to transmit or receive any obscene or illegal materials as defined in the Ohio Revised Code; to disseminate matter harmful to juveniles (O.R.C. 2907.31); to display matter harmful to juveniles (O.R.C. 2907.311); or to interfere with or disrupt network users, services or equipment.
Users who intentionally execute or transmit programs that: 1) harass others, or 2) infiltrate a computer or computing system, or 3) gain access to files, passwords or data belonging to others, or 4) damage or alter (or attempt to damage or alter) the software components of this library's or any other computing systems, or 5) represent themselves as another person, will not only forfeit Westlake Porter Public Library usage rights, but will also be prosecuted, as legally appropriate.
The Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) prohibits commercial use of any type or kind of its systems and OPLIN-provided Internet connections.
June 16, 2021
The library has a policy of open access. Frequent computer users must have an updated library card. A frequent user is defined as one who uses a computer more than once a month. Juveniles under age 18 without library cards may apply for a Digital Access Library card. A digital access card provides computer access and access to online library resources.
Visitor cards will be issued with valid photo identification to non-Ohio residents and other infrequent users without library cards. Minors without photo identification will be issued visitor cards at the discretion of library staff. Usage is not restricted by age (supervision is a parent’s responsibility), is not prioritized by information need (everyone’s information need is important), and is not restricted by residency.
Users signing up for the last block of time for the day on any machines need to be aware that the computers shut down promptly at closing time. Users should plan ahead for any time-consuming printing or downloading by completing any lengthy projects 15 minutes in advance of closing. Users will not be permitted to remain past closing time: Staff must have adequate time to shut down the systems and secure the building.
September 18, 2019
The Internet offers global access to information. However, not all sources on the Internet provide information that is accurate, complete, current, or legal. Westlake Porter Public Library is not able to monitor or control and cannot be held responsible for the content of materials on the Internet (which change rapidly and unpredictably). However, Westlake Porter Public Library does provide guidance and recommended sites through links on our Web site, through public programs on locating and evaluating Internet sites, and through printed information for concerned parents.
Some resources and destinations definitely contain material that some patrons will find offensive, as well as sites that are inappropriate for children. Westlake Porter Public Library does not filter Internet access at the library, however, because doing so would block access to legitimate sites and needed information. Nor would the library be able to filter according to the individual preferences or sensibilities of the diverse public it serves.
Neither the library nor OPLIN provides email accounts. Customers may access their own web-based email accounts from library terminals, however.
Internet users may download information from the Internet to their own portable devices or have it sent to their own email accounts. Users should not expect library staff, however, to do this for them or to know the specifics of how individual, particular Web sites or email Web sites work. Under no circumstances may a user download or save anything to the hard drive of any library PC or to a network drive.
Customers may print from computer workstations or the wireless network provided by the library. Customers are given a daily allowance of $1.00 to use for printing only. The cost is $0.10 per page (black toner only). The cost is $0.15 per page for color. The library uses an automated print management system. Any unused daily allowance does not carry over. Staff cannot refund any unused amounts deposited on the automated print management system.
The library cannot guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of information or files that are entered into or accessed via its public Internet-connected computers. While security is our goal, electronic communications can be intercepted and can become public. The sending of any information, including name, address, and credit card numbers, is at the sole risk of the user.
On October 26, 2001, Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act. Under the provisions of this act, if a search warrant pertaining to patron records is issued under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) (USA PATRIOT Act amendment), library staff must comply by providing requested information. Furthermore, a search warrant under FISA contains a "gag" order that prohibits a person or institution served with this warrant to disclose that the warrant has been served or that records have been produced pursuant to the warrant.
Private information saved to any storage device, or printed out to paper copies, and left behind after a computer session, or printouts discarded to public waste cans may be seen or confiscated by third parties. The physical security of these media is the responsibility of the individual computer user.
March 19, 2008
The library has installed data jacks so that users with laptop computers may enjoy high-speed Internet access through the library's network, free-of-charge.
Phone jacks are also available for users who prefer to use modem hookups and access the Internet through their own Internet Service Provider. The phone connections are set up to permit only local and toll-free calls.
Even though users are operating their own equipment, the Internet access itself is provided to the library through OPLIN, and users are subject to the rules and regulations of OPLIN, Westlake Porter Public Library, and all applicable local, state, and federal laws. Use of network access for any illegal purpose is strictly prohibited, and violators may be prosecuted. Laptop users must follow the guidelines set up for users of the library's Internet stations, as explained in this policy.
All laptop users are reminded that they have chosen to use their equipment in a public building. Westlake Porter Public Library is not responsible for the safekeeping of equipment left unattended, and the library does not provide any anti-virus protection, content filtering, and only minimal firewall shielding via its public connections. OPLIN and this library are not responsible for any loss or inconvenience suffered by the user due to his own actions or the actions of others while he is connected to the library's network. Library staff may not provide technical support or repair service for personally owned computers and/or software.
Printing, both black and white and color, from a wireless laptop or notebook, is available through the library's print management system.
To help assure the security and reliability of the library's systems, patrons may not use their own software or install any programs on any of the library's computers, including circulating software from the library's collection.
The library assumes no responsibility for viruses that may be received by patrons causing their own documents, software, or hardware to be infected or damaged. Virus scanning of personal disks is not permitted as it exposes the library's systems to undue risk.
Individual users are responsible for monitoring and adhering to copyright laws and their own usage of information or publications.
October 18, 2017
Food is prohibited at all computer workstations. See also Food and Beverage Policy.
Providing instruction in using and evaluating informational resources is part of the library's role. However, staff can only devote a reasonable amount of time to assisting individual users with the Internet. Members of the public service staff handle many information requests and cannot devote extensive time to each new user. Users unfamiliar with computer use, the Internet, or any browser software, should sign up for one of the library's hands-on computer training sessions.
Westlake Porter Public Library's Board of Trustees is empowered, through the Ohio Revised Code, Article 3375.4Q, to make and publish rules for the proper operation and management of Porter Public Library. The Board of Trustees may, from time to time, unilaterally, at its discretion, amend, supplement, modify, or eliminate one or more aspects of this or any other library policy.
February 21, 2024
The Westlake Porter Public Library Makerspace (“WPPL,” “Makerspace,” or the “Library”) is an innovate creative space that provides library patrons access to high quality, professional grade computer hardware, software, and equipment to support their entrepreneurial, educational, and personal endeavors.
The WPPL Makerspace is available to Library patrons ages 13 and up. An adult must accompany users under age 13 at all times. Users 13-17 must have a parent or legal guardian sign the agreement form on their behalf before using the Makerspace.
Users must complete and sign the Westlake Porter Public Library Makerspace Agreement before using the Makerspace.
Use of the WPPL Makerspace is subject to the rules in this policy, the Library Use Policy, the Public Internet and Computer Use Policy, as well as any other applicable Library policies and procedures. Failure to abide by all applicable policies and procedures will result in suspension or loss of Makerspace use privileges.
Users of the Library’s Makerspace agree to respect any and all applicable copyright laws and licensing agreements. Further users agree not to use the Makerspace in violation of any local, state, or federal ordinances, regulations, or laws.
Users agree to be courteous to other Makerspace users and Library patrons.
Some of the equipment located in the Makerspace may contain aspects, parts, or components that will cause injury to the user if all rules, policies, procedures, and restrictions are not followed. Mandatory training may be required for certain pieces of equipment prior to first use. Applicable safety supplies will be available in the Makerspace to be used as directed. Any accident or injury that occurs in the Makerspace must be reported to a staff member. Users agree to release and hold the Library harmless from any claims for personal injury, property damage, or any other loss in connection with the use of the Makerspace, including the equipment, tools, and materials.
The computers located in the WPPL Makerspace are intended for patrons utilizing the specialized software programs or equipment located in the Makerspace. The Library reserves the right to reassign patrons to other computers in the Library if they are not utilizing the Makerspace computers for their intended purpose.
The Makerspace is a self-directed area, with the expectation that users will complete designs and projects mostly on their own, following initial guidance and information from Makerspace staff on the capabilities, safety, and basic operation of Makerspace equipment and software. Staff may not be experts on use or operation of everything that is available in the Makerspace. One-on-one appointments can be made with Makerspace staff to learn the more in-dept initial operation of Makerspace software and hardware.
No food or drinks of any kind are permitted in the WPPL Makerspace.
There may be a charge for use of some Makerspace equipment. Likewise, there may be a charge for use of some material and supplies used by some Makerspace equipment. Any applicable costs are listed in the Makerspace Fee Schedule. Users are responsible for paying for all use and material costs associated with use of the Makerspace, even if the project attempted fails or does not complete. Failure to self-report material usage and pay for use of equipment and/or material will result in suspension of Makerspace use privileges.
Select material, equipment, and tools may require a library card and/or valid, government-issued photo ID to check out. When using your photo ID to check out these items, your photo ID will be held and returned once all material and use fees have been paid and all equipment, tools, and unused materials have been returned.
If equipment breaks, please alert staff immediately. Patrons may be responsible for replacement costs for damage to equipment or the physical space incurred due to patron negligent usage or intentional misuse.
Patrons are required to check-in with Makerspace staff prior to using equipment in the Makerspace to ensure a Makerspace Agreement has been completed and that equipment is available for use.
Reservations for Makerspace equipment are not required but are highly encouraged. The Library reserves the right to make advanced reservations for special purposes and events. The Library does not guarantee the availability of any equipment in the Makerspace.
Use of any Makerspace equipment is limited to two hours per day, which may be extended if no other patrons are waiting to use a piece of equipment. For equipment that can be shared between two users (e.g., vinyl cutter, CNC machine, etc.), attempts should be made to share access to the equipment. The Library reserves the right to extend or reduce session length at its sole discretion.
The WPPL Makerspace closes one hour before the Library closes. Projects, print jobs, etc. cannot be left running or suspended while the Library is closed. The Library assumes no responsibility for projects that are unable to be completed within this time frame. Patrons are responsible for all use and material costs associated with incomplete projects.
The WPPL Makerspace is designed for design, production and fabrication for entrepreneurial, creative, and recreational purposes. The space and equipment are not intended for significant production or manufacturing, and the Library reserves the right to refuse or limit the use of any equipment or service.
The Makerspace equipment, including, but not limited to, 3D printers, craft and cutting machines, CNC machine, etc. may be used for lawful purposes only. Patrons are not permitted to use the Makerspace equipment for projects or to produce materials that:
The Westlake Porter Public Library reserves the right to limit use of Makerspace equipment and refuse to produce any projects, including, without limitation, those that it believes may violate this policy or any other applicable library policy, or that may result in legal action against the Library or its employees.
While the Westlake Porter Public Library encourages patrons to use its Makerspace equipment and services for innovation and invention, due to the public nature of its facilities, the Library cannot guarantee the security of patrons’ intellectual property rights such as copyright or trade secrets. Projects may be produced within view of the public, and the Library may photograph and/or record the printing process and publish such photographs and/or recordings in any type of media now in existence or hereafter created, including, without limitation, print, social media, television, and the Internet. Patrons using the Library’s Makerspace equipment and services must accept the risk that their intellectual property may be exposed to or copied by others. The Westlake Porter Public Library reserves the right to delete patrons’ design, model, or files submitted to the library or saved on library computers at any time. By utilizing Makerspace equipment, submitting or requesting content or objects to be produced, the patron agrees to assume all responsibility for, and shall hold the Westlake Porter Public Library harmless in, all matters related to the production of that item, as set forth below
The WPPL Makerspace contains 3D printers that are reservable for direct use by patrons. In addition to this service, the Westlake Porter Public Library also accepts requests from patrons to print their 3D models for pickup later by the patron. Patrons do not have to have a Makerspace User Agreement on file for this service but must abide by all aspects of this and other library policies.
Westlake Porter Public Library staff have the sole discretion to determine the order in which 3D models are printed. Patrons are limited to printing one 3D item at a time and may have only one item in the print queue at a time. If a 3D model consists of multiple separate parts, each part will constitute a single item. Because of limited staff and hardware resources, Library staff cannot guarantee completion times. Library staff will contact patrons when printing is complete, and patrons must pick up completed models within three weeks of completion. If models are not picked up within three weeks following completion, then Library staff may dispose of them in any manner it deems appropriate.
The cost for 3D printing is based on the weight of plastic used and is determined after printing is complete. Library staff may estimate the price prior to printing the model, but the exact price will be given to patrons after printing is complete. All 3D models must be paid for in full before being released to patrons. The cost of 3D models not paid for and collected within three weeks following completion of the print may be charged as a fee against the patron’s library card.
Because of inherent limitations with equipment, the Westlake Porter Public Library does not guarantee that any 3D model will print successfully. If a print fails due to Library staff error or hardware failure, the Library will attempt to reprint the object, and the patron will not be charged for the failed attempt, except as stated in the next paragraph. The Library may refuse to reprint the object after two unsuccessful attempts.
The Library may refuse to print 3D models that clearly contain errors or that are, as determined by Library staff, beyond the capabilities of the Library’s equipment. The cost of failed prints due to errors within the 3D model and 3D models that are beyond the equipment’s capabilities may be charged to the patron. Library staff have sole discretion to make slight alterations such as adding supports to patrons’ designs in an attempt to make them printable, but the Library does not guarantee that they will print successfully. Patrons are responsible for any extra cost associated with printing these alterations to their designs regardless of whether the print is successful.
Printing or supervising the printing of a patron’s 3D model or item by Westlake Porter Public Library Public Library staff does not relieve a patron of the indemnification obligations discussed below and shall not expose the Westlake Porter Public Library to liability. Printing or supervising the printing of a patron’s 3D model by Westlake Porter Public Library staff does not constitute an acknowledgment that the patron’s 3D model comports with this policy, any other library policy, intellectual property laws or other laws, or that the 3D model is safe or fit for patron’s specific purpose (and in fact the Westlake Porter Public Library expressly disclaims any knowledge thereof).
By using the Library’s Makerspace equipment and/or services, you agree to release from, indemnify, and hold harmless the Westlake Porter Public Library, its officers, employees, board members, agents, and representatives from and against any and all suits, claims, damages, losses, expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees), settlements, and judgments arising out of or relating to your use of Makerspace 3D equipment and services, including, without limitation, any claims for personal injury and infringement or misappropriation of any copyright, trademark, or patent
By using the Library’s Makerspace equipment and services, you agree to assume the risk of, and acknowledge that the Westlake Porter Public Library disclaims all liability for, any and all injuries (including death) resulting from use of equipment and/or items created using equipment owned by the Library. You also agree that objects produced may contain certain inherent weaknesses and limitations and may not be suitable for all applications, including, without limitation, those for which they are designed and intended. You further agree to assume the risk of, and acknowledge that the Westlake Porter Public Library disclaims all liability for, damages or claims for infringement of intellectual property rights arising from your use of the Library’s Makerspace services.
3D Printer Filament | $0.05/gram |
Button, pin-back | $0.10/each |
Mug, 11 oz. white | $2.50/each |
Mug, 15 oz. white | $3.50/each |
Sublimation Printer page, 8.5” x 11” sheet | $0.50/sheet |
Vinyl, standard adhesive, 24” roll, per inch | $0.15/inch |
Print standard adhesive, 8.5” x 11” sheet | $1.00/sheet |
Vinyl, heat transfer, 12” roll, per inch | $0.25/inch |
Print Vinyl, heat transfer, 8.5” x 11” sheet | $1.00/sheet |
Specialty/Limited Run Items | Varies |
Makerspace materials fees are charged for all materials consumed, including errors and waste. Not all materials may be in stock. Users may provide their own approved materials at no cost.
27333 Center Ridge Road
Westlake, OH 44145-3947
Monday – Thursday: 9 am - 9 pm
Friday & Saturday: 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday: 1 pm - 5 pm