With ComicsPlus, children, teens and adults have unlimited access to thousands of digital comic books, graphic novels, and manga from more than one hundred publishers with a WPPL library card.
Every title is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on your computer, tablet or phone—no holds or wait lists required. You can also download and install the LibraryPass app for iOS or Android.
Library card number and PIN required.
Connect to ComicsPlus

A collection of non-fiction eBooks from EBSCOhost available via the web on a range of topics, including business, self-help, religion, economics, history, and more.
Apps for iPhone and Android are available.
Library card number required
Connect to EBSCOhost eBooks

Flipster provides instant access to the magazines you know and love in an easy-to-read digital format!
To access Flipster, enter your library card number (if accessing outside of the library building), and browse available magazines. You can then click on a magazine to view it within your browser. You can access Flipster from a library computer, your home computer, your phone, or your tablet, as long as you are connected to the Internet.
The Flipster app offers offline viewing of downloaded content on your mobile devices. To download the free Flipster app, search the iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store for "Flipster - Digital Magazines".
Library card number required
Connect to Flipster

The Great Courses offers engaging and understandable lectures by esteemed professors, professionals, and experts in topics ranging from history, better living, science, language learning, and much more.
Library card number and PIN required. Download the free app, add Westlake Porter Public Library/The Ohio Digital Library, and look for “Extras” to get started!
Find it in the Libby app

Hoopla offers streaming movies, television, music, eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and comics!
- The loan period for eBooks, comics and audiobooks is 21 days
- The loan period for music albums is 7 days.
- The loan period for videos (movies and television) is 3 days.
BingePasses—for The Great Courses, Curiosity Stream, Hellosaurus and Magazines—provide unlimited streaming for 7 days.
- You can watch, listen or read up to 10 items per month.
Only verified card holders in good standing can borrow materials from hoopla. Digital card holders must visit the library in person to verify their account in order to use the service.
To get started, create your account on Hoopladigital.com. Choose the version for your operating system and browser.
You can check out content from Hoopla Digital directly from our catalog as well.
You can stream titles instantly through your desktop browser or the mobile app. Apps are also available for popular streaming platforms. Titles are automatically returned and removed from your device at the end of the lending period.
Library card number required.
Connect to Hoopla

IndieFlix is a streaming movie service that offers access to pop culture favorites, box office hits, award-winning feature films, documentaries, and shorts.
Library card number and PIN required. Download the free app, add WPPL/The Ohio Digital Library, and look for “Extras” to get started!
Find it in the Libby app

Kanopy is a video streaming service that provides instant access to thousands of critically acclaimed movies, documentaries and kid favorites. Partnered with studios like A24, The Criterion Collection, PBS and more, Kanopy provides access to thoughtful entertainment.
Kanopy Kids features a collection of films and TV series that inspire and inform, helping children develop social-emotional skills and reinforcing valuable learning topics, such as history, science, and new languages. Tickets are not required to play in Kanopy Kids. Enjoy unlimited plays in our curated collection for kids.
You can stream Kanopy on any of your favorite devices! Kanopy is accessible via mobile and tablet apps for iPhone and Android. You can also access Kanopy on your Desktop, and SmartTV apps like Roku, Apple TV, and Fire Stick. Links to the apps are available on the Kanopy website.
- To get started, visit kanopy.com and select the “Add Library Card” button on the lower left.
- Enter your library number (include all letters and numbers, no spaces).
- Create an account using your preferred email.
- Begin streaming!
- You are allotted 15 tickets per month.
When you select a film, season or course to watch, the number of tickets will be displayed as well as the amount of time you will have to watch it.
- After starting a video, you can watch it as many times as you’d like within the viewing period without using more tickets.
- Tickets will reset on the first of each month but do not roll over from month to month.
- To enter Kanopy Kids mode, sign into your Kanopy account and select “Go to Kanopy Kids” from the menu.
Library card number required
Connect to Kanopy

Enjoy free and unlimited access to world-class journalism in The New York Times.
You will need to register an email address and password the first time you use this access. The same login information can be used for in-library and off-site access.
IN LIBRARY access: Register or log in when prompted.
Off-site access: Register or log in and redeem a code which is good for 3 days (72 hours) of unlimited access to NYTimes.com and the New York Times app. After 3 days, you will need to log in and redeem another code.
Connect to NYT off-site NYT in library

WPPL offers eBooks, digital audiobooks, digital magazines, and videos from OverDrive through The Ohio Digital Library.
You can download eBooks for a range of eReaders, like the Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader or Barnes & Noble Nook and many others. We also offer digital audiobooks, magazines, and videos that will play on many devices. Check out up to 20 items and place up to 30 holds.
With the Libby app by OverDrive, you can borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet. You can even send and read your borrowed eBooks to your Kindle eReader! It’s free and easy to get started for new users and digital library users of all ages—including Teens and Kids.
You can check out eBooks, audiobooks, and videos from OverDrive directly from our catalog as well.
Library card number and PIN required
Connect to OverDrive

Electronic versions of The Plain Dealer newspaper are available via NewsBank for access in-library and from home using your library card number and PIN.
Connect to The PD

With PressReader and Westlake Porter Public Library, you get access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines as soon as they’re available on shelves. There are no limits on downloads. They're yours to keep forever.
Use your WPPL library card number to connect via the web or with the latest version of the PressReader app.
Library card number and PIN required
Connect to PressReader

Qello Concerts by Stingray is the world’s largest collection of full-length concerts and music documentaries streamed on-demand to just about any digital device.
With new releases every week, Qello Concerts span over 30 genres, from classical to rock, reggae to country. Log in at the library, on multiple devices or at home on your big screen, with Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, Sony, and more.
Your free Stingray Qello account is good for 7 days. There is no limit to the number of times you can log in and you do not need to sign up for a subscription.
Library card number and PIN required. Download the free app, add Westlake Porter Public Library/The Ohio Digital Library, and look for “Extras” to get started!
Find it in the Libby app

TumbleBooks are animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love. Have fun with reading in a whole new way!
There is more information, including a User's Guide and FAQ on TumbleBook Library's site.
Connect to TumbleBook Library

Access The Wall Street Journal from anywhere!
- Enter your library card number to visit the library's WSJ.com login page
- Create your account with your email and a password then start using The Wall Street Journal Online immediately
- Your access will be available for the next 3 days
- After 3 days, simply come back and click the link or button again and login as an existing user with the same username and password you originally created
Library card number and PIN required
Connect to WSJ.com